« 04.22.02 - 1:03 p.m. »

Okay, I know I still need to get to the Creepy Scott thing, but it's going to be long and, um, complicated, so it'll wait. Let's just say that we may not be calling him Creepy Scott anymore, believe it or not.

Anyway, in lieu of the whole Mark debacle, I'm really wondering if there are any normal guys out there at all. I mean, I had decided that the reason some of the guys I dated were such jerks was simply because I'd had sex with them too early and that's what our relationship (that's too strong of a word, but I couldn't think of a more accurate one) was based on.

With Mark, I decided I wanted to do it "right," and I took things relatively slow. Yet that was the worst dating experience of my entire life.

Was it just a fluke? Is there a normal, decent guy waiting just around the corner? One who won't attack me when he takes me home? One that respects me and doesn't just see me as a sex object?

I don't know.

Frankly, I'm not looking. I haven't been looking for a long time, really. Mark was totally something that happened out of the blue, which is another reason that I expected it to go well (you know what they always say about finding something when you stop searching for it). Scott is something that's been in the background for a year now.

So even when I'm not looking, I end up in bizarre romantic situations. That's not so encouraging.

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