« 09.02.03 - 6:59 p.m. »

Dude. If I told you that Mark just called me today, would you believe me? Because he did. And now I'm trying to not completely freak out.

He had excuses. He was having issues back then (a point which I found to be rather obvious but was tolerant enough to not point out), and he didn't know what he was doing and he was sorry he didn't talk to me after the fact and blah blah apologycakes.

But he tracked me down through my last name and my mother, who for some reason, has started giving my phone number to anyone who calls and asks about me.

I didn't want to talk to Mark, and really, I didn't immediately remember who he was when he started talking. It took a minute and then the light bulb came on and I probably would have hung up the phone if not for the sheer morbid curiosity about what he could possibly be calling me about.

It was nothing. Not an STD, which was sadly my first thought. No, he just wanted to see how I was doing and if I was happy.

And I am. I really am. I have a place to live, a job, a beautiful new car, and an ice cream maker. What else could a girl need? Certainly not a scary man who tried to attack her.

P.S. My email doesn't work because I haven't found a good provider thingie. So don't email till further notice, yo. Not that you were planning to, I'm sure.

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