« 03.26.02 - 7:29 p.m. »

I met a boy last week. I didn't tell you about him before because I'd be embarrassed if he didn't call, and then it would be all out there and stuff.

Anyway, I was downtown for a job interview last week and it was snowing in the middle of March for some freakish reason. After the interview, I was standing outside waiting for the bus at one of those horrid bus stops that don't have a roof or any sort of shelter.

This boy walked up, chuckled at how miserable I looked, informed me that there was a better stop only a block away, and that the bus wouldn't be along for another forty minutes. I thanked him and turned to start walking down the street to the other stop. He followed me, and once we got there, he pointed out the coffee shop right next to it and suggested that we wait inside where it was warm and dry.

So we had coffee and talked and flirted and he made sure I didn't miss my bus and then he asked me if we could go out sometime. I mentally debated the merits of that idea for about a nanosecond and then gave him my number.

This was last Wednesday, and while I'm never very good at judging the calling cut-off date and all that stuff, I thought that since it had been almost a week and I hadn't heard from him, he'd changed his mind or something.

Today he called! He said that the paper had gotten smeared what with the snow and everything, and so he'd thought the number said something else, and when it didn't work, he thought I had given him a fake number or something. I'm not sure if he's just making excuses or what, but he did call, so I guess that's a good thing. We talked for like an hour and a half, just about random stuff, and on Friday, we're doing the dinner and a movie thing.

Anyway, his name's Mark. I'm not sure exactly how old he is, but he mentioned that he graduated from my school a few years ago, so I'm guessing he's somewhere between 24 and 30. He's a photographer, he lives right downtown, and he's very very good-looking in a Hugh Grant floppy-hair crinkly-eyes sort of way. Even better, he seems like a genuinely nice guy.

I'm really excited about this, but sort of nervous, too. I haven't really been on a date-date since last May, and I don't think I've gone on a first date in about a year. Eep. Either way, I've really decided that there's no way I'm sleeping with him right away--I barely know him, but I really want him to respect me for some reason.

So yeah. Let's hope this goes well.

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