« 01.22.02 - 11:08 p.m. »

I am scared.

You see, I met this couple on yahoo recently, and they� well, they want to have sex with me. And part of me very much wants to have sex with them.

Like I said before, I think it�s only human nature to have some curiosity about bisexuality. My own curiosity varies greatly. Sometimes I feel a deep desire to be with another woman; other times all I care about is cock. Right now, I�m feeling a mixture of those two desires, and so I guess in some ways it would make sense for me to be with a couple�I�d finally know what it�s like to kiss another female, to caress her body, to taste her intimacy; while at the same time, I�d have something that I�ve missed for months.

They are very excited about the prospect. I have the impression that they fantasize about me sometimes while they�re having sex, and that�s almost exhilarating to me. It�s immensely flattering that they want so badly to be with me, yet I�m still not sure.

I think it�s just cold feet.

It�s just that it�s been so long since I�ve had sex with a new person. Not since last spring has that happened, and now I have the opportunity to fulfill one of my fantasies. Right now, I think I�d feel pretty nervous about being with a new guy, and the idea of being with a woman, especially one I�ve never met, terrifies me. They�ve seen photos of me, and I them, but what if they don�t like my body when we�re all in such a compromising situation? What if I don�t do things right?

I�ve never had experience with a woman before�she has, but it�s been a very long time. I guess I�m just afraid that I�ll feel like a bumbling idiot and that I won�t know what to do. Normally when I enter into a new sexual relationship, I feel some anxiety about my body, but never before have I worried that I won�t be good at sex. All of the men I�ve been with have always said such positive things that I�ve grown secure in my abilities to please a guy. Of course, no intelligent man would say negative things about his partner if ever he wanted to be with her again, but that�s another story.

Still, I don�t really know how to please a woman. Well, I know how to please myself, but that�s different. I know every nook and cranny of my own body, and I know exactly what angle is most pleasurable for something to enter me. I know exactly how hard, how fast, and in what direction to rub my clit for quick orgasm. Likewise, I know what to do if I want to draw it out, to tease myself.

I wouldn�t even know where to start with another person. It�s taken me years to learn these things about myself, and every woman is different.

I really do want to do this, but I�m so scared. I�ve told them I�m nervous, and they say that they are too. They have each other to rely on, though. I�m sure that in the time they�ve been together, they�ve learned the best ways to treat each other. I don�t know how to work with either of them.

Anyway, they wanted to do it this weekend. I made up an excuse about it being my mother�s birthday and having to go home for it, so now we�re planning for the following weekend. I bought myself a week to mull over this, but I�m afraid it�s just going to make me more frightened of the situation.

I should not be so scared of having sex.

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