« 05.02.02 - 8:41 a.m. »

You know, for some unexplained reason, I really hate telling trent things about how I feel. I guess it's because it makes me vulnerable or something. But anyway, I sucked it up a few days ago and told him that I'd really like to come stay with him for the summer, and that I wasn't trying to be pushy or anything, so if he didn't want me to, he could say so.

He hasn't actually said whether he wants me to come, but he keeps making references to things we'll do, and he uses the phrase, "when you're here this summer..." a lot, so I'm assuming it's going to happen.

Also, I found a phenomenal deal on airfare, which is good.

A couple of days ago, my sister and cousin came down to do some shopping and insisted that I meet them downtown and hang out with them. They are such incredible bitches. Seriously. They snarked on me the entire time. I was wearing a skirt because it was sunny out and I thought that since my legs are so deathly pale, perhaps taking them out into the sunshine would help give them some color. Well, they made fun of me for that for a while. Then they decided to make fun of me about my hair, which I had actually thought was behaving itself well. Then it was something else, and after that, something else.

Bitches. The next time they want to hang out, I'm just going to refuse, unless I want something, of course.

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