« 01.30.02 - 3:38 a.m. »

Does anyone remember creepy Scott? I know I've written about him a little, but I can't be bothered to hunt down the links. Anyway, believe it or not, even though I haven't talked to him in forever, he called me today.

Yeesh. And I so didn't want to talk to him, because I knew he just wanted phone sex. But we talked for a while and I explained that I'm not so sexual anymore, and then suddenly he wanted to go. Works for me, yo.

But it's true. I haven't been very sexual in a long time, before I even left trent's this summer. Yeah, for the last month I was there, except for the last few days, there was barely any sex to be had.

And that's part of the reason I haven't really been writing here since I "re-opened" the place. I just don't have anything to write about these days. I used to have stories to tell of my exploits and such, but lately I don't even masturbate all that often.


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